Telbit - Electrical and low-powered instalations
Services provided by our company:
- Anti Fire Systems (SAP)
- Gas Extinguishing System
- Fire Ventilation System
- Alarm Systems (SSWiN)
- Supervision and industrial television (CCTV)
- Structured cabling System LAN
- Access (KR) and Working Time Control (RCP)
- Intercoms and Video Intercoms
- Phoning nets
- Sound Warning Systems (DSO)
- Electrical instalations (to 1 kV)
- LED technology lighting system
- Electric Measurments
As part of developmental activities, our company has worked out and performed wind turbine's prototype with vertical spin axis to use in urban conditions.
We own world patent.
We have been cooperating with Enterpreneurship Development Foundation. Our company and products have been awarded by the Foundation.
It has resulted in placing information about our company and product in the EDF ( service on Enterprise Europe Network website.
Telbit company was established in 1989 as a company working on telecommunication and teletransmission services.
Since 2004 the company has changed a lot. That was the result of new market needs.
Over the course of years we have obtained knowledge and experience which guarantees a high level services.
Wide range of learnt and used machines, produced by leading Polish and foreign producers lets on optimal choice of protection element system.
We own all certificates and permissions, essential to lead our activity, the authorization of devices and installation systems comapnies which are world leaders.
We accomplish installations in public buildings, in the hotels, industrial facilities, schools, medical units and care centres.
Telbit also deals with fixing and maintenance of existing systems. Due to excellent experienced designers and experts we offer complex service in all made installations.
The staff of our company are qualified installers with long-standing experience who will provide professional and honest service. About our quality testify gained references.
Our strategic and marketing goals are basied on modern and friendly environment technologies, which ensure high level advantages of supported facitifies.
We would like to acquire partners to cooperate no matter what is the cost of potential contracts.
The only one criteria is innovation of solutions.
Telbit Comapny as the first one has created its own solution for wind energy in modular wind turbines construction in urban area. It is a turbine with vertical spin axis. The basic elements of turbine are three aerodynamic spades, spinning around central axis. It directs streams of wind in order to increase the efficiency of the device and to protect the machine against weather conditions. The solution uses strenght of pulling and pushing wind. Thanks to European Union's means the company has got the world patent.
At the moment the company is looking for partners in the range of its own project realisation.
All intrerested in cooperation can contact as via email:
Copyright © 2014 Telbit